Strong families build resilient kids and communities

Growing Stronger Together

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Closer to Home

Building Resilient Families and Communities

We know that strong, stable homes and relationships are critical to people’s success and wellbeing. That’s why preserving and reunifying families is at the heart of everything we do.

It’s also why we strive to offer our programs and services in a home or a home-like environment. After all, home is where people feel a sense of connection, where lasting habits are best formed, and where real change often begins. Whether biological or chosen, it’s the relationships—the deep bonds—that make people feel at home. These bonds are critical to helping young people (and adults) feel supported on their journey of growth. We build resilient families and communities by giving children, youth, parents and caregivers the tools, training and support needed to learn, heal and grow stronger together.

Learn More About Us

Our Impact

3807 kids, youth and parents/caregivers supported

45+ Family and community programs

75+ Community partner organizations

We are an Evidence-based Agency

Through the use of evidence-based practices and innovative solutions, Closer to Home strives to preserve, reunify, and build stronger families that can care for their children and contribute meaningfully to their community.

We are accredited by:

Imagine Canada Teaching Family Association CARF