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Compassion, Connectedness and Community: Tower Chrysler & Nikky’s Story

Giving to Closer to Home is about more than just money; it’s about donating to happiness. It brings families together, relieves stress, feeds children, and restores compassion in our community. Wouldn’t you want to be a part of that if you could?
Nikky Haert

Since 2020, Tower Chrysler has been making a significant impact in our community, not only by bringing back the fun of buying a vehicle but ensuring that they can bring joy to those who need it most.

Nikky Haert is the driving force behind Tower Chrysler’s year-round Adopt-a-Family fundraiser. In 2020, they started with a simple internal 50/50 draw to raise funds for families and selected Closer to Home as their charity to support during the holidays. Little did they know their passion for giving back would grow each year, helping more and more families.

The dealership has a deeper connection to Adopt-a-Family, as Nikky has been directly impacted by the support Closer to Home provides during the holidays.

“Closer to Home gave me and my family more than gifts; it gave us relief and happiness. My mother often reminded me that not everyone has the same opportunities, that occasionally, individuals are eager to help the less fortunate, and that we should always be grateful for what we have. She also reinforced in me the need to give back whenever possible. As I grew older, I realized that I could give back to the same individuals who helped me and my family year after year, and it was a no-brainer for me to bring this special initiative to my workplace. After the first year was so successful, I felt it would continue for many years.”

Nikky knows firsthand how receiving support during the holidays can be impactful for families in need, which drives her passion for Adopt-a-Family. She noted that every card given to the dealership from the families they supported, she has kept – and keeps close to her. “I’ve been collecting the cards for almost four years, and the writing shows how much this helps these families. It is the most powerful motivator to keep going; nothing makes me happier than knowing we are making a difference.”

Be kind because you never know what anyone else is going through is a quote that Nikky instills in her everyday life, and she notes that it directly impacts why she believes it’s so important to give back to our community. Everyone deserves the fundamentals and a support structure to help them get there, says Nikky and “if we as a community continue to recognize who needs help and give back, we will be happier as a group.”

Adopt-a-Family is something the entire dealership gets behind; Chris Bean notes, “having a family of my own keeps me donating. I know how many families need the support, and I am happy to do it.” Another team member, Toni, says supporting struggling families and bringing back the feeling of celebration is special for me.  

Every holiday season, Nikky and Tower Chrysler’s staff and customers’ goal is to show at least one family that there are individuals who care and want to provide a sense that there is hope, even when it feels hopeless. And they have ensured that more than one family can feel this. In the past three years of supporting Adopt-a-Family, they have brightened the season for 25 families, raising over $25,500 and counting!  

On behalf of Closer to Home’s staff and the families we serve – we express our sincerest thanks to the team and customers at Tower Chrysler. Because of your ongoing dedication to this initiative, we can continue supporting more families, ensuring no one gets left behind this holiday season.