With a generous gift from the Calgary Lexus Dealers, Closer to Home will be supporting 25 more local families in need this Christmas.
Closer to Home’s Adopt-a-Family initiative, presented by McQuiston Executive Wealth Group, has been in full swing since mid-October. “We have been receiving calls from families in need as well as donors interested in supporting families in need since Thanksgiving. It started a lot earlier than last year,” says Jessica Melnychuk, Fund Development Officer.
Families that are supported face a multitude of situations making the holiday season even more difficult. Issues that affect a family’s ability to have stable or sufficient income include job loss, medical and health issues, separation and divorce (single parent families), new Canadians and families recently exiting homelessness.
As of the first week of December there are already 57% more families registered for the initiative compared to the same time in 2016. That is why Closer to Home is so thankful for Lexus’ commitment and continued support. They are truly making a difference this Christmas.
Families that are referred to the Adopt-a-Family initiative will receive basic needs items, toys for children and gift cards to purchase food for their Christmas meal.
If you would like to join the Calgary Lexus Dealers in supporting families, please visit our website at www.closertohome.com for more information.