• Housing

Norris House

Norris House is an affordable housing program in partnership with HomeSpace and Brookfield Residential to provide affordable, safe, and reliable homes for 45 families experiencing homelessness, located in Seton. 

This program welcomes families of all sizes who are experiencing homelessness. These 45 townhouse units are made up of 29 three-bedroom units (seven accessible), 11 two-bedroom units (two accessible), five accessible one-bedroom units, and Closer to Home’s Family Resource Centre. Each unit is 20 per cent below market rental value to ensure all families can afford safe and affordable housing.

On-site, Closer to Home has a Family Resource Centre for families to connect, participate, access resources/services and learn skills that will benefit them positively.

Some of the programs offered to families in this program include:

  • Welcome to Norris House Orientation (i.e. move in workshop)
  • Budgeting 101
  • Community Events: Board Game Nights, family BBQs, etc.
  • Parenting workshops (ex., establishing a routine in your home)
  • Family Drumming Circles with Knowledge Keeper Darcy Turning Robe
  • Storytime Circles with the Calgary Public Library
  • The Give & Take Program/table: leave what you need, take what you don’t
  • Drop-in times: coffee & chat



The Calgary Homeless Foundation is the programming funder for this project and will refer families to Closer to Home based on need. Each family living at Norris House will be with us for 10 to 14 months before they can secure other housing, but our work doesn’t stop when they leave this program. 

Closer to Home will work with each family individually and provide support where they need it most. It could be enrolling them in one of our 45 North Central Family Resource Network programs, offering in-home support, or reconnecting with the family during the holiday season with our Adopt-a-Family initiative. 

When families are in Norris House, they will learn and grow together by: 

  • Learning and developing skills to maintain safe and affordable housing long-term, including self-advocacy, understanding their rights and responsibilities as tenants, and effective communication skills. 
  • Having increased control over their finances by obtaining employment, securing longer-term government funding (e.g. AISH), or learning to budget. 
  • Positively changing their mental and physical health by accessing health resources such as family doctor, dentist, counsellors, and/or addiction support. 
  • Building a network of support in the community – both natural supports and professional, to make connections to their new community. 

Families will be connected to various resources and supports during their time at Norris House to ensure a smooth transition when they are ready to live independently in the community. And, when families graduate from Norris House, they will be able to successfully locate and maintain housing in the community for years to come, be able to afford market rent in the community, experience decreased barriers, like physical or mental health or addiction and will feel connected to their community, and take pride in being an active part of their community.

If you are looking for housing support, please get in touch with the SORCe

SORCe only offers walk-in-based services.  Client service is not available by phone. For general information about SORCe, or if you are an employee of another agency, please call our automated information line: 587-779-5015

SORCe is located on the north side of the City Hall LRT platform at:

#2 – 316 7 Ave SE, Calgary, AB T2G 0J2