Christmas will be bright for local families in need

December 15, 2016 – Calgary, AB

Calgarians have come out in droves to support their struggling neighbours with Closer to Home Community Services’ Adopt-a-Family initiative, presented by McQuiston Executive Wealth Group. Over 200 local families will receive support through Adopt-a-Family this year – more than double the 96 families served in 2015.

In a year with many jobs lost in our city, Closer to Home has committed to supporting Calgary families who are struggling throughout the year, whether they need help with emergency food hampers, money management, employment services and more. But at Christmastime, the need for extra help becomes increasingly urgent.

“We are seeing a real generosity of spirit as Calgarians adopt-a-family and make their Christmas dreams come true,” says Karen Olivier, Closer to Home’s Chief Executive Officer. “Donors – like Calgary Academy, who we have partnered with for years, and so many others – are really stepping up to help families with toys, clothes, food and basic necessities that they so badly need.”

Through Adopt-a-Family, Closer to Home makes a personal connection with families who are struggling to ensure they have the resources and support they need, now and in the future when times get tough.

Calgary Lexus Dealers have also partnered with Closer to Home to make a $40,000 minimum donation to support families at Christmastime and throughout the year.  A total of $500 from every Lexus sold in Calgary until January 3rd, 2017 will be donated to Closer to Home to strengthen families.  Visit for more information.

“Closer to Home increasingly relies on Calgary and Airdrie donors to support the families we serve,” says Olivier. “The stresses facing many families right now will continue into the New Year, making it critical that we all work together and share our resources, time and energy. We really need the support of the community to keep children and families healthy and strong.”

Closer to Home has supported and empowered more than 50,000 Albertans since 1995. You can help support local families in need now and into the New Year by making a donation at