What would it feel like to be separated from your family, moved to a different home and surrounded by other children and adults you didn’t know?
For many of the youth referred to Closer to Home’s Community Teaching Homes, the experience can be very difficult. Their entire world has been torn apart, and they might be feeling angry and alone, like they have nowhere to turn and no one to talk to. Because of the stress and trauma of their situation, they may have a difficult time dealing with their emotions.
Closer to Home works hard to give these youth a sense of stability and belonging during this transitional period in their lives. Our Community Teaching Homes are a special kind of group care that provides a safe haven for children and teenagers who’ve experienced significant trauma in their lives.
Children and their families come to us for many different reasons. They may be experiencing mental health concerns, addiction, poverty, abuse, neglect or a multitude of other issues. Raising a family isn’t easy, but Closer to Home is here to help.
Our Community Teaching Homes are family-style and community-based. Whenever possible, we have Teaching Parents who live in the home.
Teaching Parents work closely with youth to ensure they have the support, skills and confidence to tackle life’s challenges and reach their full potential. They go on vacations with the children, enjoy outings together, and as much as possible, they do everything a typical family would. They help children and youth find a sense of belonging, build their confidence, discover their potential, and realize they have an incredible future ahead of them.