• Mental Health & Wellbeing
  • Crisis Support

Healthy Families

Healthy Families is a home visitation program providing support to parents with newborns and children aged 0-6 who are in a variety of at-risk circumstances.

These circumstances could include low income, parents without family or community support, a history of abuse/neglect and parents who find it difficult to cope with day-to-day family challenges. Depending on family needs and the agreement between Home Visitors and families, Home Visitors can visit with a family 1-3 times per week and be involved with a family for as long as one year.

Healthy Families works to enhance parenting skills, improve knowledge and understanding of child development, promote healthy family functioning, and increase connections with their community. Healthy Famillies is an Early Intervention program and it is designed to be a launching pad for families and provide the jumpstart they need to raise a healthy, happy family.

My Home Visitor was my angel. I will always believe she came into my life and helped my family when we needed it most.
Program Participant

Closer to Home’s Healthy Families Program provides specialized Indigenous support for families with children 6 years old or younger. These Home Visitors are specially trained to celebrate Indigenous culture and align with Indigenous values throughout the program.

Home Visitors can spend up to a year with a family, but depending on the circumstance, our team may spend less than a year or more.

This program is available by referral only.

For information on referrals, please contact our Healthy Families Coordinator at (403) 543-0555.