June 21, 2012 is National Aboriginal Day in Canada, which honours and celebrates our nation’s original peoples. Week-long celebrations highlight the history of Canada’s First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples. In Calgary (“Blackfoot country”) we highlight the culture and traditions of the Treaty 7 nations that have made this city their home.
This year Closer to Home Community Services will be marking the occasion with an open house at Peweke for other agency personnel on June 18 from 11:00am to 2:00pm. Come join us for a tour of the house, lunch and information about our Aboriginal programs. For details or to RSVP, please call 403-289-5353.
Closer to Home Community Services will also be hosting a child’s craft table at a free family Aboriginal Week event on June 23, 2012 at Shaw Millennium Park. The event begins at 10:00am and will include a pow wow, performers, games, art and crafts tables, traditional arts and crafts, an “ask an Elder” booth, a children’s craft center and more.
Please view the Aboriginal Awareness Week 2012 Calendar (pdf 432 KB) for details on other events happening around Calgary.